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- 两会ing,你知道如何用英语表达“两会”吗? - hebtv:2021-3-12 · 原标题:两会ing,你知道如何用英语表达“两会”吗?中国的“两会时间”,世界的“中国时间”。随着“中国两会”的隆重召开,大家有了新的谈论话题和关注焦点,同时一首”Twosessions“TotheworldFromChina(《两会:这个三月,聆听中国》)
- PAMM Member Profile: Adam Jalali
- PAMM Virtual Art Storytime: My Feminist ABC
- Deep Dive with...Jennifer Inacio
- PAMM in the Community: Art Kits
- Art Making: Create Vertical Gardens inspired by PAMM
- Lantern吧
Standing in Solidarity: Resources for our Community BlogPhoto by Lazaro LlanesEnlarge
Celebrating Lantern Festival_双语周刊电子报[双语周刊]_厦门网:2021-2-20 · Lantern owners write riddles on pieces of paper and post them on the lanterns. If you know the answer, you tear off the paper and go to the lantern owner for a prize. 李梅:猜灯谜是一种传统文字游 … BlogCourtesy of Adam JalaliEnlarge
PAMM Virtual Art Storytime: My Feminist ABCBook art by Irene PizzolanteEnlarge
Deep Dive with...Jennifer InacioPhoto courtesy PAMMEnlarge
商务部业务系统统一平台:通知 尊敬的用户,欢迎您使用商务部业务系统统一平台,技术贸易管理信息应用已纳入统一平台,商务部用户请点击部机关地址然后进行登录,各级主管部门用户请使用原有账号通过主管部门用户地址开展相关业务,企业用户请使用原有账号通过企业端用户登录地址开展相关业务。Photo courtesy PAMMEnlarge
Art Making: Create Vertical Gardens inspired by PAMMPhoto courtesy PAMM
- 【燃爆】在瑞士日内瓦,唯美而真实的西藏闪耀联合国舞台 ...:2021-11-7 · 中工网评论频道是众职工的视角,观察社会民生的发展与改革,涵盖了中工时评、原创评论、另眼观察、编外谈、一周看点、热点聚焦、今日推荐、在线调查、焦点人物、漫画评论、图片评论等领域。依托中华全国总工会和工人日报社的业务资源,创办了“中工时评”具有工会特色的栏目.
- Polyphonic: Celebrating PAMM’s Fund for African American Art
- Lantern吧
- Permanent Collection